Choosing Between a Rollator And a Mobility Walker

Age may lead to dependability. People often choose disability aids like a mobility Walker, cane, or crutch to cope with the same.

The walking aid for the elderly helps people to balance. Rollators are used by people with gait and balance disorders. It helps to improve mobility.

People may use rollators with a 4 wheel Walker interchangeably. But both mobility aids are different. Let’s see how.

Rollators are walking aids with built-in hand grips with three or more legs. They may or may not have wheels.

Rollators help to provide support while walking and may include a seat for resting.

Frequent falls are common in old age.

Did you know? About one-third of elderly people fall once a year. Fall prevention is important, and to cater to the same, people use walkers for seniors. To increase comfort, one may get a rollator walker with a seat.

Difference between Rollator and Walker

Wheels are the major difference between the Walker and the rollator. Walker is four-legged that stays in contact with ground moving. Walker is lifted to move forward.

Rollators on the other hand are rolling Walker with a seat. It has 4 wheels and brakes. Rollators don’t require a lift to move forward and are easy to maneuver.

Walkers are smaller in size than rollators. Rollators cannot be maneuvered inside the small apartments or narrow hallways. Walkers aren’t easy to navigate but are more stable than rollators.

Walkers are a better choice for people with balancing issues. They support partial weight while standing and walking.

If you are looking for the best walkers for seniors in Dubai, explore the range at Sehaaonline. Here, find the chosen international brands at affordable prices. Shop away!


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