What is Blepharitis and How to Treat?

Did you know that eyelashes and eyelids are important to maintain eye health? They not only provide beauty to the face but also keep the eyes moist, and lubricated. People use eyelid gel for blepharitis to treat the same and protect the eyes from getting in contact with nasty germs and harmful elements.

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a common eye condition. It is detected when you see a swelling around the eyelid. It not only swells the eyelid area but makes it red and irritable. Itching, burning and irritation are some of the common conditions faced by the patients suffering from Blepharitis. You may be recommended to use an eyelid gel to calm the symptoms but one has to take the best precautionary measures!

This condition may make the eyes dry or watery- depending on the exposure and type of Blepharitis.

The inflammation of the eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes is a less common type of blepharitis. The common causes may include-

       allergic reactions (atopic blepharitis)

       bacterial infection (infectious blepharitis),

       skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis.

       A mite infestation. It is of the eyelash follicles (Demodex folliculorum),

The more common type, posterior blepharitis, affects the tissues just beneath the inner eyelid margin. It usually is caused by issues in the eye with the oil glands, or meibomian glands

The glands secrete oils for lubrication. The inner eyelid margin swells when the meibomian glands become blocked.

A healthcare professional will examine the eyelid with a slit lamp to look for swelling, redness, and possibly spider veins around the eyelid's margins, eyelash problems, sores, or oil gland problems.

The surface of the eye will be carefully examined for any injuries or sores. A fluorescein dye will be applied to the eye to determine if the meibomian glands are affected.

If your doctor recommends an eyelid cleansing gel, visit Sehaaonline to get the exclusive product-NuLids Revitalize Eyelid Gel in the UAE!


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