Is Choosing a Cpap Mask Important?

You get used to how your CPAP mask feels during the night after you get used to it. You've probably also experienced a few nights of discomfort due to allergies or an illness, prompting you to consider alternative full face mask options. Follow that train of thought because having a backup CPAP mask has numerous advantages. Your skin oils can cause your CPAP mask to stiffen or break down. Having a different type of mask will allow you to get used to it so that you are not kept awake when you need it. If you sleep with a nasal mask , you probably have more freedom, but if you get a cold or allergies, you might be unable to sleep. If you have congestion due to sickness, pollen, or other factors, your nasal passages will become blocked, and your nasal mask will be unable to provide the necessary oxygen. When using a full face mask , you can receive oxygen through your mouth. In addition, if you use BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), a facemask with a soft gel cushion wi...