All You Need To Know About Shoulder Pain And Orthopedic Supports

Shoulder injuries are common and can cause discomfort post an accident, playing a sport, or overusing the shoulder muscle. Strains or sprains, torn rotator cuffs, dislocated shoulders, and shoulder instability are a few examples of shoulder-related problems. One is recommended to rest and immobilize the affected area with a shoulder brace for recovery. These shoulder braces or orthopedic shoulder supports provide extra support and ROM control to help you with recovery. # How does the shoulder work? Shoulders are considered the most flexible part of the body. The shoulder has two muscle joints and helps a user to rotate their arm 360 degrees. The Glenohumeral is the main shoulder joint that is commonly known as the ball and socket joint. The apex of the upper arm bone-the humerus is shaped like a ball giving the joint a unique name. This ball inserts into the socket of the shoulder blade bone, allowing your shoulder a wide range of motion. But, the shoulder socket is very small, ...