Are Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins Effective?

For many decades, compression stockings have been a standard treatment for varicose veins. These are also used as a first-line therapy to manage symptoms and prevent the progression of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). While compression stockings for varicose vein s can provide effective symptom relief for some patients, many find them uncomfortable. They have difficulty adhering to stockings for varicose veins treatment plans. Even if patients strictly follow their compression therapy, stockings are unlikely to be a cure for vein disease. Tiny valves along the vein's course open and close to prevent backflow in a healthy vein. The veins are subjected to stress with age. This can cause the valves to weaken and stop working. It also causes blood to flow backwards and pool in the veins. This is known as venous reflux, and it causes symptoms such as bulging varicose veins, spider veins, swelling, and cramping. People use the varicose veins socks for the same. Compression sto...