Living With The Oxygen Concentrator in Dubai

Many people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, and other lung diseases eventually require supplemental oxygen therapy to alleviate their shortness of breath. Receiving a prescription for home oxygen concentrator , on the other hand, can be upsetting. Suddenly, everyone who comes into contact with you will realise you have a medical condition that necessitates the use of a portable oxygen concentrator . As you work through the difficulties of setting up and using home oxygen machine therapy, keep in mind that it can significantly improve your quality of life as your COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, or other lung disease progresses. To learn how to live comfortably with home equipment like the Philips oxygen concentrator , use the following tips and strategies: 1. Talk with your friends and families - When your lung doctor brings up the topic of oxygen therapy for the first time, go home and talk with family members about how this will affec...